
Trvanie výstavy: 
02.04.2019 - 19:0030.04.2019 - 21:00
Dátum vernisáže: 
02.04.2019 - 19:0003.04.2019 - 20:55
Výstava Momentum sa uskutoční v prednáškovej miestnosti, na prvom poschodí.
Welcome to the opening ceremony of Eeva Kurikkala’s photo exhibition ”Momentum” in Dom Quo Vadis on the 2nd of April at 19:00.
Exhibition introduces urban environment with the eyes of a Finnish daydreamer. Forget the hurry for a moment, take a look around, change your perspective. Use all of your senses, see millions of shades, enjoy tiny gems of your surroundings. Catch the momentum. 
The exhibition is located on the first floor of Dom Quo Vadis from the 2nd till 30th of April. It has been set up with collaboration from Dom Quo Vadis and has been funded by the European Union. 
Opening hours: 
Monday-Thursday: 15-21
Friday: 15-22
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 17:30-21:30 
Free entry!

Partneri projektu


Rádio Mária